About Us
About the Diocese of Islands and Inlets (British Columbia)
With humility and gratitude to the First Peoples of Turtle Island, we acknowledge that we worship, work and play on the traditional lands of the Coast Salish, Nuu-‘chah’nulth and Kwakwaka’wakw peoples.
We seek healing and reconciliation with the First Peoples of Turtle Island and are continuing to learn what that means in concrete terms, and how we must go about our part in that work.
Ministering on these traditional territories, we are a regional expression of the Anglican Church of Canada, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and one part of the whole body of Christ.
Established in 1892, the diocese originally covered the entire Canadian province of British Columbia. Over time, as the population of the province grew, new dioceses were formed. The diocese of British Columbia is now one of five dioceses and one territory of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon, and includes 46 worshipping communities on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands of the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia), Broughton Archipelago and Kingcome Inlet.
About Faith Tides
Faith Tides is the online, faith-based publications of the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets (BC), a place shaped by the straits and Pacific Ocean that are an ever-present part of life here. Through news stories, reflections and feature articles Faith Tides aims to showcase the work God is doing through our churches to further social, racial and ecological justice. In recent years we have focused in particular on our relationship with our Indigenous neighbours and the ongoing process of truth and reconciliation.
Also, an ever-present feature of our lives over the last two years: change. Whether that’s through the impact of the pandemic, an awakening to racial injustice and Indigenous genocide, or the climate emergency that has cost so many lives and livelihoods in our province. But there is hope that in this ebb and flow of change, we will be renewed as people of faith.
Faith Tides is a space where people of faith and doubt can walk alongside one another, share their stories and grow together.
Our goal is to inform and inspire action.
Faith Tides is part of the Anglican News Canada platform.