Anglicanism and Anglianism

A pilgrimage close to home

What happens when a vision of pilgrimage meets reality? Aches, laughter, sunburn, friendships and more — and above all, learning that brings connection and peace.    ...

Reflections from the World Council of Churches

I remember distinctly, in the final year of my undergraduate degree in religion and theology, being compelled and captivated by the prayer of Jesus in ...

Small boys, golden doors and great cathedrals

When I was a small boy, I was a member of a Bible study group led by Mr. Turner, someone who was wise enough to ...

Solutions over despair

Book Review: Solutions for a Wounded Planet by Jim Kingham. FriesenPress Editions, 2022. Sept. 1 to Oct. 4 is the Season of Creation, so Jim ...

I look for God in the ordinary

What made you decide to pursue the role of deacon?  My sense of call was not an easy feeling. Since I was a teenager, I ...