Cathy Carphin

  • Cathy Carphin

    Cathy Carphin is a parishioner of St Peter and St Paul, Esquimalt. She is a Certified Grief Educator, facilitator, mentor, writer and poet. She can be reached via email for healing discussions about grief, trauma and loss.

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Sorrowful Saturday

Alleluiah! We are now in Eastertide, that glorious 50-day period of celebrating the light of Christ in this world.   Just as Christians have done

Concepts of love

Love is a wonderous thing. It expands our horizons and fills us with joy. It also encourages us to reach out to others, to give

The day my muse went on vacation

  She was always with me, my muse. My writing and my poetry would come to me readily with an idea partly fleshed out, waiting

December — joyful and challenging

We are at the opening of the Christian year, a time of reflection in Advent, of joy and celebration at Christmas and entering into a

Both body and soul

Someone asked this question a while ago, and I have wondered since what would make a “right” reply. The premise was that if Christians believe

Taking care of ourselves and each other

We are still recovering from the pandemic closures of 2020 and afterwards. Thankfully, we can now return to in-person church services and gather with our

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