
‘It is easier to talk about reconciliation than to do reconciliation’

Dear friends,  At the end of 2023 the Yellowhead Institute, which monitors progress on the 94 Calls to Action from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation ...
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Planted in the earth itself

Below is a selection of photos and an excerpt from the transcript of Bishop Anna’s closing sermon at the May 2024 We Together diocesan conference. ...
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The Rafah Crossing

Jan. 12, 2024 Night after night on our television screens, we see the Rafah Crossing between southern Gaza and northern Egypt. The area is teeming ...
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A debate on human goodness

Recently, a theological dispute broke out in the public square: a relatively rare occurrence in our post-theological era. Conservative evangelicals are irate about Pope Francis’s ...
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Where did all the young people go?

Average churchgoers and scholars alike have been asking hard questions about our theology and practice of Christianity for years. The 1960s marked a watershed in ...
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Children of God

Zondervan recently released a book entitled, The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?   The ...
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Sorrowful Saturday

Alleluiah! We are now in Eastertide, that glorious 50-day period of celebrating the light of Christ in this world.   Just as Christians have done ...
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Are we disenchanted or misenchanted? A We Together preview

Disenchantment, re-enchantment and misenchantment: these are the central terms and themes of a course I’m teaching this semester. In one of my lectures at the ...
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The road to Notch Hill

We usually drive far more highways than we do roads. Roads are intimate and local. Roads meander. Roads pause for things. They run under deep ...
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Existing for the sake of our neighbours

William Temple, theologian and Archbishop of Canterbury, was fond of reminding us that the church exists primarily for the sake of those who are still ...
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A journey like no other

This article first appeared in the April 2014 issue of the Anglican Journal. You are exhausted and surrounded by an almost palpable fear. You feel ...
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Why the church is called to listen and discern

Few words are more central to Christian life than “discernment.” A dictionary (Oxford Languages) offers two definitions, one simple, one complex and nuanced: the ability ...
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Behaving not believing

When Christians encounter people from other traditions, they are often inclined to ask, in a spirit of curiosity, “What do you believe?” This might seem ...
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Concepts of love

Love is a wonderous thing. It expands our horizons and fills us with joy. It also encourages us to reach out to others, to give ...
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The visit

Suppertime in the residence, the corridors relatively quiet. This is the hour between the coming and going of visitors. The staff are under less pressure; ...
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