
Remembering Herbert O’Driscoll

October 17, 1928 – July 25, 2024  With immeasurable sadness, we announce that the Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Herbert O’Driscoll (known to many as Herb) ...
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The Rafah Crossing

Jan. 12, 2024 Night after night on our television screens, we see the Rafah Crossing between southern Gaza and northern Egypt. The area is teeming ...
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The road to Notch Hill

We usually drive far more highways than we do roads. Roads are intimate and local. Roads meander. Roads pause for things. They run under deep ...
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A journey like no other

This article first appeared in the April 2014 issue of the Anglican Journal. You are exhausted and surrounded by an almost palpable fear. You feel ...
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The visit

Suppertime in the residence, the corridors relatively quiet. This is the hour between the coming and going of visitors. The staff are under less pressure; ...
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The executive

Over the last few years, we have gotten to know and respect one another. I think — and certainly hope — that this has become ...
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A child’s Christmas

The word “Christmas” is more than a mere word. In the world of music, a chord is composed of notes, but it is infinitely richer ...
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“Tusitala” — “Teller of Tales”

Not that many years ago (says he defensively), I was assembling some material for a pilgrimage I had been asked to lead. I had decided ...
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Lost treasure

A tiny incident — a snatch of conversation heard in a city restaurant across an adjoining table. It’s a spot in which you see a ...
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In all places and at all times

A friend told me that his son, who works with the United Nations in the Middle East, is frequently asked, “Where do you pray,” meaning ...
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Wind and fire

Some things can be told only as a story. Someone offers a story and we listen. But we know it is pointless to ask questions ...
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Lovely as a tree

The study window looks out on our front garden. Our kitchen window looks out on our back garden. Each one gives us a view of ...
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The cost

In flippant phrases such as “there’s no free lunch,” we acknowledge a deep truth about life: everything has a cost. We could add that the ...
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The medicine of truth

It is fascinating to see how many of the therapies of our time have much in common, though their language seems to differ. For instance, ...
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Companions on El Camino

For one enchanted evening a very long time ago, I was one of the Magi — a wise man. My black moustache and beard were ...
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