Anglican Church Women meet in Stratford for presidents’ conference

 on November 7, 2024

The Diocese of Huron hosted the Anglican Church Women’s 2024 presidents’ conference in Stratford, ON, on Sept. 26–29 (the theme was “Let your light shine”). The National ACW now meets in person every two years and virtually on alternate years.    

Following a service of holy eucharist, we were welcomed by the MPP for Perth-Wellington, Matthew Rae, and the Mayor of Stratford, Martin Ritsma. Greetings were also extended by Karen Haslam, Huron ACW president, and Rosemarie Kingston, president of the national ACW board.  

Our evening offering of $500 was donated to the Council of the North. Our diocese’s ACW gave a further $100 to support the Northern Clergy Family Fund.   


Speakers were from the Anglican Foundation of Canada, PWRDF (Alongside Hope), Mothers Union, Council of the North and International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN). They all gave updates on their organizations. Michelle Hauser, AFC’s director of development and communications, said AFC has donated over $40 million. This year’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign yielded $130,000 for 33 teams. National Indigenous youth received $40,000. The ACW Council of the North Retired Clergy Fund received supported from many diocesan ACWs.  

Janice Biehn talked about PWRDF’s Indigenous Response Grant Fund, which is available for Indigenous-led communities and organizations. These are one-year grants of between $5000-$15,000 for community health, climate action, safe water and emergency response. PWRDF has also set aside funds for emergency response in Canada for wildfires and hurricanes. IAWN is currently re-establishing in Canada, and a former Canadian MU president Kathleen Snow is now world leader of Mothers Union.  

We held an all-day business meeting, which included constitutional and financial matters and a workshop. We also allowed time for fun. One evening, a hilarious “fun fashion show,” hosted by the Huron ladies, had everyone laughing. Another evening, we learned dance steps with Scottish country dancers. Saturday’s free time saw delegates shopping, boating on the River Avon, perusing Art in the Park, taking a tour of the Stratford Festival’s archives and warehouse, and seeing the Stratford Festival production of Romeo and Juliet 

Archbishop Linda Nicholls presided at the Sunday worship service at St Mark’s. She installed the national ACW executive to their positions. Archbishop Linda spoke of angels in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Angels are God’s creation. Angels are invisible but occasionally are seen as dreams, sometimes in human form, in the liminal space where they are heard as the angels in the field appearing to the shepherds. Scriptures only refer to them as men. It may be that the writers were men. 

There are women serving God. Angels are an example of service. Anglican women are preparing, setting the table and serving: as priests, as wardens, on altar guilds, in choirs, as bishops and as supporters of food banks. These women mirror the work of angels in their life and vocation of serving God not only in the parish but in the community. Archbishop Linda encouraged us to reflect on our work in the world, to worship with joy and to seek to be the bearer of good news. She encouraged us to live with compassion, listen and help those in need. 

The theme “Let your light shine” was reinforced throughout the conference. There were theme poems at meal place settings. We are to continue in our spiritual growth and nurture life. We are encouraged to do both the walk and the talk, to spread the light of our baptismal covenant. God shines through us, and we shine our light on God.  

Thank you to the diocese for financial support through the Lay Training Fund (Ellenor Swallow Trust). 
