Diocesan council, vision implementation and finance update

 on May 1, 2021

This regular column reports on the activities and decisions of diocesan council, the “synod between synods” of our diocese. Download monthly meeting minutes at www.bc.anglican.ca/programs/diocesan-council.

Streamlining bureaucracy

As reported last month, at its March meeting the diocesan council approved motions regarding canonical wording changes to Canons 3 and 4. The changes stipulate that the frequency of diocesan council and finance committee meetings will be a minimum of five times a year (currently 10x/yr) with additional meetings being called as necessary, and that the number of voting members of the diocesan council will be reduced to 20. The revised canons will be put to a synod vote on May 29.


Vision implementation

Council received a report from the diocesan vision animator, Brendon Neilson, that recommended restructuring the vision implementation team model that the diocese first implemented in 2018. Going forward, a committee of representatives for each of the six vision directions under “Faith in Action” and “Faith in Formation” will work together to identify and implement areas of vison work that cannot be addressed at the parish level and are better served with diocesan and/or regional coordination. The newly established group will meet for the first time this month.


Anglican Foundation grant applications

Council approved two projects for inclusion in an infrastructure grant application to the Anglican Foundation. The deadline for applications for the spring cycle (there are two intakes each year) was April 1. The two projects include St. John the Baptist, Cobble Hill, which will receive $15,000 towards the installation of a new roof, and $10,000 for the parish of Central Saanich for exterior painting of St. Stephen.

St. Paul, Nanaimo, debt forgiveness

Council approved the forgiveness of $355,000, which was incurred primarily through cost overruns in the development of the St. Paul Centre for Ministry and Community. The parish initially raised $2.3m for the project and raised a further $547,000 towards the overruns; the debt forgiveness is the remaining balance. Council acknowledged that the ministry centre is an important centre for diocesan events and that the burden undertaken by the parish has been deemed to be causing undue hardship on the life of the parish. The adjustment will be shown separately in the financial statements rather than treating it as a parish grant.
