Let’s talk faith and justice

Microphone by drestwn. Used under a CC BY 2.0 Deed license.
 on February 1, 2024

How to use podcasting to have public conversations about theology  

For over a year, Boston Laferté and I dreamed about producing a podcast featuring themes that are progressively Christian and justice focused. We launched Let’s Talk Faith & Justice in the late summer of 2023, and we have now produced 19 episodes that are hosted on the CFUV campus radio platform at the University of Victoria (UVic). The podcast, together with Inclusive Christians, is part of our ministry at UVic an ecumenical campus ministry of Anglican, Lutheran, United and Presbyterian leadership and students that sits under the umbrella of the Multifaith Centre.  

The hardest part of any creative venture is committing to a regular production schedule. We record an episode most weeks, while taking breaks when the campus is closed. Jesse Thorn is an NPR podcast host I admire. He argues that consistency is key for the longevity of any creative project. In his online talk Make Your Thing, he explains that at the end of the day no one can make your thing except you. And your thing will never get made if you set impossibly high standards for launching it. Get started now and hone your craft as you go. Much like preaching or preparing a meal, it’s about the consistency of showing up week after week. Nearly anyone can prepare one masterful sermon or one impressive dish, but having the discipline to continue each week requires a different kind of commitment. 


As for the content of the podcast, it is in our bones as Lutherans and Anglicans to be having public conversations about theology. These can also include non-partisan conversations about the political realm. God is at work in the world, and we need to take time to listen to the Holy Spirit percolating through our relationships with neighbours, colleagues, co-conspirators, students and new friends. Don’t be fooled by the latest fashions in podcasting and tech, which make it seem like you need the best gear to make something. Most of us have enough tech already available in our smartphone, iPad or laptop to get started. At the end of the day, we’re just having a conversation like we would at a café or pub, except we’re inviting others to listen in. The tech helps capture a better-quality recording, making it more pleasant to listen to later. The church has always sought ways to share table talk more widely, whether at a conference or symposium, in written form or using a different form of preaching.  

Pictured (left to right) are Lyndon Sayers, Boston Laferté, Ruby, Reba and Sage recording a live show on the limits and successes of queer-affirming Christian spaces. Image courtesy of Lyndon Sayers.

What kinds of things do we talk about on the podcast? Last year we were in conversation with ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson about her work advocating for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls at the Brady Road landfill outside Winnipeg. Bishop Johnson and Archbishop Linda Nicholls signed a joint letter, and they have been strong advocates for justice for Indigenous neighbours. We also talked with Haneen, a young Palestinian woman from Alberta. Haneen talked about her work advocating for justice on campus and beyond. We recorded our first live show, with panelists from Inclusive Christians, including Reba, a candidate for ministry in the diocese. Recently, we spoke with Izzy, coordinator for Greater Victoria Acting Together, which collaborates with churches and community partners advocating for local justice issues. In an upcoming episode, we chat with Jake, a local therapist and longtime harm reduction worker and advocate. These conversations give us an opportunity to speak directly about justice issues affecting neighbours near and far, while also reflecting upon them through a faith lens.

A bit about us

Boston is a full-time student in the Indigenous law program at UVic and a candidate for ministry in the Lutheran church. He is taking seminary classes part-time at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon. Boston is also a member of Lutheran Church of the Cross, Victoria, and served as a young adult delegate at the joint gathering of Anglicans and Lutherans in Calgary in 2023.  

I serve as co-pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross, together with Lyle McKenzie. I also serve as a Lutheran spiritual care provider at the Multifaith Centre, together with Lyle, and our Anglican colleague Ruth Dantzer. Inclusive Christians has been doing amazing ministry in recent years thanks to this Anglican diocese supporting this much needed work.  

Listen to an episode of the podcast online or on the radio. You can find Let’s Talk Faith & Justice at cfuv.uvic.ca and on most podcast apps, including Spotify. New episodes are available most Mondays. For those who prefer radio and are in the Greater Victoria area, episodes also air on CFUV (101.9 FM) on Thursdays at 11 a.m. PT. Follows us on Instagram @letstalkfaithjustice. 

  • Lyndon Sayers is co-pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross, Victoria, BC, and co-Lutheran chaplain at Multifaith UVic. You can find his writings at theinterrupt.ca.

    Lyndon’s podcast “Let’s Talk Faith & Justice” (with CFUV radio at UVic) can be listened to here.

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