Letters to the editor (December 2022)

 on November 30, 2022

Dear Editor, 

The October issue’s article in Faith Tides bemoaning all the electronic waste nudged me to inform you of the opportunity and obligation we have to do just that in Canada and worldwide. 

On CBC Radio this week (Oct. 10, 2022) there was a comprehensive and very convincing explanation as to why we must recycle all our unused cell phones and electronics of all kinds; the minerals in them can be reused — very exciting and encouraging to find this out. The website recyclemyelectronics.ca contains information about where and how to do e-recycling. 


Frances Young
St George, Cadboro Bay 


Dear Editor, 

Several public quotes recently highlighted the urgent need for unprecedented action to stop and reverse climate change. “Co-operate or perish” from UN Secretary-General Guterres at COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, and, “In the fight for life on Earth no one is a bystander,” King Abdullah of Jordan. 

We as Christians need to remember we have a responsibility as Earth’s stewards to care for creation and Jesus’ admonition “to be as one.” Neither of these have we done. Now is the time to take up our yokes and put our faith into action. Easy to say, but what and how? 

Firstly, I believe it is possible for Christian denominations and bodies to agree that this is indeed a point of unity that Jesus expected. Regardless of our human failings and disagreements, we should be bound by these truly basic Christian beliefs. This message needs to get to the leadership of denominations and other umbrella bodies of the Christian diaspora. The Canadian Council of Churches for one. Unprecedented, yes, but precedents are there to be broken for the greater good. It is time, nearly past time, for Christians to speak and be heard as never before. 

Secondly, this must become international. Again, and for the same biblical reasons, why not? It is an international issue. 

Thirdly, a small Pacific island-kingdom will most likely be the first country to vanish below a rising ocean. In Christian love they deserve our help. 

Last of all are members of other religions, all God’s children. Is it possible that this crusade could be backed through the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and any similar association? The Anglican Communion is a member and there are common values that bind us all. 

United in this one cause, I believe we can save and mend our one world. Can we as a diocese be the spark? 

David Handley
St George, Cadboro Bay 


  • Faith Tides

    Faith Tides exists to explore God’s vision for Renewed Hearts, Renewed Spirits and Renewed People in the Diocese of Islands and Islets, home to approximately 6,000 Anglicans worshiping in 46 worshipping communities across coastal BC.

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