Cedar Hill Middle School students visit St Luke, Cedar Hill cemetery for Remembrance Day ceremony
On Nov. 3, 500 students from Cedar Hill Middle School took part in a “No Stone Left Alone” ceremony at St Luke’s to honour the 158 veterans buried in the cemetery.
No Stone Left Alone is a foundation set up in 2011 by Maureen Bianchini Purvis, the daughter of Lillian Mary Bianchini, a Canadian WWII veteran who died when Maureen was a girl. Every year, on Remembrance Day, Maureen would visit the cemetery where her mother was buried, to lay a poppy on her headstone. When Maureen’s children noticed that none of the other veteran’s headstones had a poppy on them, Maureen decided to do something about it.
Not only does the foundation work to ensure no stone is left alone, but it also works to engage children and youth and create a meaningful experience of Remembrance Day.
Students from all grades at Cedar Hill Middle School attended the ceremony, while Grade 8 students acted as emcees, read poems, and explained the significance of the bugle calls “Last Post” and “Reveille.” At the end of the ceremony, students placed painted poppy rocks on the veterans’ graves.
“It was an impactful and moving ceremony,” said Barb Prescott, the church’s communications coordinator. “St. Luke’s is pleased to have this community connection with Cedar Hill Middle School.”