At its September meeting, the Women’s Group at St Paul, Nanaimo decided to no longer be formally affiliated with the Anglican Church Women of Canada.
Oct. 15 was declared “ACW Sunday” when the history of the ACW in the parish would be celebrated. The first meeting of the WA (the original name of the ACW) was held in January 1910. Then group then went on to serve the parish faithfully for 113 years.
Both morning services included a talk by a longtime member on the history of the WA/ACW in the parish. ACW members, it was mentioned, also acted as intercessors, greeters and readers. At each service, members were asked to come forward and receive a blessing.
Following the 10:30 a.m. service, a lunch was served in the hall, with a beautiful cake inscribed with the ACW motto “Fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord.’ Displays featured pictures of ACW activities, a tribute to former and present members, and various memorabilia. On the walls were favourite written memories of time spent in ACW, which had been collected from current members.
It was a bittersweet time of remembrance and thanksgiving for ACW’s service to the parish over so many years.