Featured – March 2023

The neighbours that God has given us

March is the month when the diocese asks that all parishes complete their annual Parish Information Return (PIR). The data collected in this form helps ...
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The medicine of truth

It is fascinating to see how many of the therapies of our time have much in common, though their language seems to differ. For instance, ...
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Anytime is a good time to be inspired

Any day, any age is a good time to be inspired. A young doctor, after completing two of five years of surgeon residency training, felt ...
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Parenthood and Faith

There is an old Thomistic adage that grace does not destroy nature but rather perfects it. This means in part that God uses the ordinary ...
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Draw closer: A diocesan women’s retreat this April

Almost 30 years ago, I became a Christian. My journey of faith was the result of an intense year of exploration through a course offered ...
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