
 on March 1, 2021

A new editor begins at the Post

Goodbye from Susan Down

During almost three years at the helm of the Diocesan Post, I have come to appreciate the stories of community service and individual commitment I heard along the way. Working in prisons and hospitals, helping those struggling with addiction, welcoming refugee families, or offering fellowship to others in person or online, Anglicans really demonstrate the “love thy neighbour” credo. A reward for the faithful is the glorious liturgy; one of my favourite memories was taking photos from the cathedral gallery during the Christmas season (pre-COVID-19) when more than 800 people were gathered. Now that I am running a busy arts council (with two galleries mounting about 30 art shows a year), and I have some fiction writing projects that demand some attention, I am stepping away from the role. Thanks to everyone who endured my nudging and arm-twisting to get your stories told. It has been an honour. And now, over to you, Naomi.


Hello from Naomi Racz

I am originally from Manchester, U.K., and went to university in Scotland and Cornwall, where I studied philosophy and earned a master’s degree in writing, nature and place. It was during my master’s degree that my love of editing was first kindled: I edited an edition of the university’s magazine Peninsula. After university, I spent five years in Amsterdam, where my then-boyfriend, now-husband was doing a PhD. I really enjoyed my time in the Netherlands, exploring Amsterdam by foot and Europe by train and bike.

After my husband finished his PhD, we were considering where to go next, and decided to apply for permanent residency in Canada. Canada appealed to us for many reasons, not least of which was its stunningly beautiful nature.

Our application was successful, and we spent our first two years in Canada in Toronto, where our daughter was born. During that time I also founded the literary magazine Stonecrop Review and took editing courses at Ryerson, confirming my love of playing around with words. Though we loved the city, when the opportunity presented itself to move to Vancouver Island, we decided to take it. After six months in Victoria, we finally (hopefully, I’m just about done with packing!) settled on the village of Cumberland.

As I type this, the boxes are still half unpacked, but I am excited to be setting out on this new adventure: taking on the mantle of Diocesan Post editor. I am looking forward to getting to know my new home and the Diocese of British Columbia and its members; and, when COVID-19 restrictions permit, meeting many of you in person.

  • Susan Down was Editor of the Diocesan Post for three years from 2018-2021. Since that time, Susan has served as managing director of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council.

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  • Naomi Racz

    Naomi has been the editor of Faith Tides since 2021. Naomi has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (with a smattering of theology courses thrown in) and a Master’s degree in Nature Writing. Naomi undertook editing training at Toronto Metropolitan University and in 2022 was awarded the university’s Robert Weaver Award for Editorial Excellence. Naomi has a background in communications with non-profits.

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