Faith Tides extends its congratulations to Kelly Duncan as the new rector of St Andrew, Sidney. She was inducted on Nov. 25 by Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee.
Kelly attended the University of British Columbia where she received a degree in commerce. However, she was inspired to study theology afterwards and obtained a Master of Divinity at the Vancouver School of Theology. As she recently told Faith Tides, “I became a priest 15 years ago after having grown up in the Anglican Church and experiencing the breadth of worship styles and theologies that find a home in our “big tent.” Working at a World Council of Churches Central Committee meeting in Berlin, Germany and as a missionary in Honduras have rounded out my experiences in the ecumenical church.”
Formerly, Kelly served at St Mary, Kerrisdale as a priest and at St George, Fort Langley as its rector. She has recently moved, with her family, from the Lower Mainland to Sidney and is “loving Island life,” she says! As well, “I’m looking forward to getting to know the community at St Andrew’s and to walking alongside them as we discern together what God is calling us to do. St Andrew’s is an outward-focused parish that reaches out to those in the wider community in incredible ways. It has been such a blessing to begin to get to know the members of this community and to learn about all the various ministries that go on here. It is exciting to see God at work in the world through the church!”