Diocesan council approves stewardship motions and regulations

 on January 1, 2022

With pandemic restrictions still in effect, the November diocesan council meeting was once again held over Zoom.

Transforming Futures

A motion was passed that the Transforming Futures focus over the next two years will be congregational development and implementing the vision at the parish level. This effectively means that the fundraising component of the initiative will be suspended.



Cost of living increases of 2.0% are being recommended for clergy and lay staff (based on June 2021 Stats Canada report as referenced in canons).

The consolidated trust fund distribution will be higher for the fourth quarter of 2021 and a new rate in 2022. The CTF portfolio manager provided data on our carbon footprint in our holdings and the funds were well below the CO2 emissions of the market indices.

Refugee Sponsorship

Diocesan council received a report written by Scale Collaborative after a review of the structural concerns and possibilities for the long-term sustainability of the Refugee Sponsorship Program. This report highlighted some of the challenges in operating a program like ours, and some of the structural constraints that manifest in the yearly rhythms of being a sponsorship agreement holder.

The report recommended reducing the scope of operations to be more appropriately managed within the synod office, and to find a new steady state within the funding restrictions approved by diocesan council in February of 2021. A motion was passed endorsing this recommendation. Synod office staff will begin working on operationalizing this decision and will be advised by Scale how to do this effectively.


After some discussion about the culture of stewardship in the diocese, council approved a new regulation requiring parishes implement an annual stewardship campaign. Synod staff will work on operationalizing this over the coming months.

This regular column reports on the activities and decision of the diocesan council, the “synod between synods” of our diocese. Meeting minutes are available for download at www.bc.anglican.ca/diocesan-committees/diocesan-council
