FUNraising still going strong at St Peter’s, Comox

Back in 2022, Faith Tides published an article describing St Peter’s annual winter “FUNraising” auction and how it began. This year, by God’s grace, the fourth annual auction will be held.  

I have attended many churches, in various denominations, in my Christian walk. Though St Peter’s is the smallest congregation of my journey, our church family and community has by far the most expansive outreach programs of any of my churches. We still hold a monthly, free community lunch that has grown since 2022. We host a food bank that not only receives donations from the community but still has an ongoing relationship with partners across the Island. We manage a community take-what-you-need food shelf on the main road through Comox. The Blessings Boutique continues to serve many people in the Valley and beyond. And, of course, we offer Bible studies, prayer ministries and pastoral support, which are always open to those in and outside the church family.  

Some churches operate like a club and are inward-focused. Our parish looks outside its doors and campus to reach the community where they are. The winter “FUNraising” auction is indeed meant to be fun, with some items for sale that are silly or whacky. There are items you will never receive, because when you buy them, we will give them to someone in need. We are tongue in cheek with many of the item descriptions, in the hope we will bring a smile to a few faces, yet there is no mistaking its serious message — we are here to help each other, no matter who or what we are or what we believe. 

In my volunteer role, I regularly ask our local businesses to put up posters for upcoming events. While there are a couple of businesses who won’t allow our posters because we are a church, the vast majority are open and positive. The other day, I walked my same route with my letters in hand asking for service or product donations in advance of the auction. Many are repeat donors and two of the new ones gave me gift cards right then. These folks know of our presence in the community; and many have participated in an event or two. The rest is in God’s hands.   


If you would like to support our auction this year, take a look at the bidding website. The auction goes live on Nov. 11,following the in-person viewing, which coincides with St Peter’s Remembrance Day reception. All purchases must be collected in person, unless you buy something that we will be giving away! Take a look, we want you to smile too. 

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