Greater Victoria Acting Together is an organization that brings together faith communities, non-profit organizations and labour unions to fight for the common good in our region. We have been actively preparing for a momentous assembly on Oct. 2 that will see our valued member organizations come together in person for the first time to demonstrate our collective power to the broader community. We are so excited to see you there! The diocese is pleased to be a partner in this initiative and has offered Christ Church Cathedral as the venue for this event.
Everyone deserves a home within their community. Together, we will be making a meaningful impact on the deepening housing crisis that is touching so many people in our communities, from people experiencing homelessness to young families, workers, students and seniors. Without a home, it is nearly impossible to tend to other needs.
Municipalities play an important role in facilitating non-profit and affordable housing. This election, GVAT is asking mayoral candidates in the region to embrace a human rights approach to housing, and to lead by committing to bold policies that preserve and create new non-profit and affordable housing for all of our neighbours.
Leading up to the election, we’ll be building and demonstrating public support for these policies through an endorsement campaign. The assembly is where we stand to make the greatest impact in opening up affordable and non-profit housing opportunities in the region, but only if enough of us show up. So, we need your help.
On Oct. 2, we need to come together in big numbers to show mayoral candidates that there is strong support for local governments in the region to champion bold policies to accelerate development of non-profit and affordable housing.
At the assembly, we’ll be asking mayoral candidates to commit to specific actions from within our overarching housing vision, including:
- Prioritizing a housing first approach
- Facilitating and investing in expedited delivery of thousands of new non-profit and affordable housing units in the region.
- Protecting tenants in low-cost rentals and existing affordable rental stocks
There is more information on GVAT’s housing campaign here.
We want to ensure we have the most successful event possible. That means hundreds of people at Christ Church Cathedral showing up in solidarity for our asks of the candidates. It is our best chance to grow our community and our voice. As the host for this event, we would love to have a strong showing from our parishes on Sunday, Oct. 2, 7–8:30 p.m.
If you have questions or want more information, please contact Brendon Neilson who is our delegate to GVAT.