Order of the Diocese of British Columbia Investiture

Order of the Diocese of BC
 on October 1, 2021

On October 23, Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee will invest 26 new members and 7 officers into the Order of the Diocese of British Columbia at Christ Church Cathedral.

The Order was established by Bishop Logan as a way to honour the faithful service of the laity of the diocese. “Members” are nominated by their parish for outstanding and considerable voluntary work that has benefited their parish, while the title of “officer” is awarded to those who have not only made a significant contribution to their parish, but also to the wider church through the diocese or the Anglican Church of Canada. Honourary awards are also given in both categories to those who are not part of the diocese.

Here are the 2021 appointees. In the November issue, we’ll feature interviews with some of the appointees. You can watch the investiture service, which will start at 10:30 a.m., on the cathedral and diocesan websites.


Order of the Diocese of BC

  • Faith Tides exists to explore God’s vision for Renewed Hearts, Renewed Spirits and Renewed People in the Diocese of Islands and Islets, home to approximately 6,000 Anglicans worshiping in 46 worshipping communities across coastal BC.

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